Poster by Ruby Princess

WTS annual zine fair ⁠

This annual DIY fair filled with writers, print-makers, scanners, poets, drawings, artists and makers of all kind, will be held in the WTS gallery on Friday and Saturday 14 & 15 July returns to WTS.⁠

We invite you to join this thematically sprawling, temporally-finite autonomous zone, where anyone can publish anything they like as a little paper thing you can hold in your hand.

Join us for the opening night, 15 July for live performances and readings from 6 pm followed by an open mic for zine readings. ⁠

On Saturday the gallery will be transformed into a marketplace with zines from here, there, and far off places.⁠

A zine is an inherently political tool of self-expression. It can be a self-published story, comic, poster, single-page drawing, open letter, photo journal, flip book, brochure, postcard, sticker, manifesto, etc. The model for making is DIY and you don’t need any experience as a writer, artist or human being.⁠

The zine Fair is also generative: make your first, next, or ultimate zine alongside others at the zine making workshop at WTS on Thursday 29 June 5-7 pm with Slumberkitty.⁠
All welcome, some materials provided but pls also BYO, e.g. sketchbook, paper (for printing also, recycling encouraged), pencils, pens, computers etc.⁠

All zines participating in the fair will be sold on the collective tables through a very simple system: you drop your zines off to WTS anytime/day during opening hours before 10am on Fair day, along with a price tag and your bank deets. NO CASH at this event.⁠

If you want to use our photocopier, “Slick Ric”, and other facilities (long arm stapler, guillotine, etc) to compile your work, you can book a date with Slick Ric. Either at normal WTS opening hours, or in the week leading up to the zine fair Tuesday 11 July - Wednesday 13 July. ⁠
Note: WTS will be closed 3-8 July.

It’s important to book your copying sesh in ahead of time, as he can only handle so many pages a day. BYO paper – and did you know WTS members get heavily discounted print/copy rates?⁠ Email wts@wts.org.au to book in your hot date with Ric ahead of time.

Hit us up if you want to volunteer on the night and perform during our open mic. We still need a cook, and support with setting up and packing down. Also, wts@wts.org.au for more details. ⁠

Poster by Ruby Princess✨

Friday 14 July

Performances by
Sylvia Perrurle Neale
Declan Furber Gillick
Steve (Bunbajee) Hodder Watt

and Josh Brown

Music by
slippery glitch

Saturday 15 July

Thursday June 29
4-7 pm