
Aim High in Creation
Anna Broinowski

96 minutes

Curated by Dina Indrasafitri

Curatorial statement:

Disgruntled with the threats of coal seam gas mining in New South Wales, film director Anna Broinowski decided to raise awareness by taking advice from the disciples of Kim Jong Il - late ‘Great Leader’ of North Korea, who was also known to be a cinephile.

In a world first, she traveled to Pyongyang to take first-hand lessons from North Korea’s top film-makers -after all, they would know a thing or two about propaganda and fighting against it, wouldn’t they?

Aim High in Creation takes the audience from one bizarre situation (mingling with the movers and shakers in North Korea’s film industry) to another (Australians in Sydney singing earnestly in impromptu musical scenes glorifying village life).

A common thread that effectively glued the storyline however, is the love of cinema expressed by both the Australians and North Koreans in this movie, despite them growing up under very different systems and cultures.



Wednesday 25 November