TAiR August 2022: Tilly Glascodine, Journal #1

On my way to Watch this Space I walk from East Side through the dusty streets, across the red bridge, and along the dry river bed. I have been enjoying this time thinking about the ways Mparntwe has surprised me. Or maybe not surprised me but wasn’t necessarily what I expected. But also now I can’t really remember what it was that I thought it would be. 

At the workshops we have been speaking about futures and what that means. We have been talking about wanting to feel a way forward through desire, rather than necessarily knowing or having some universal plan.

I have been thinking a lot about, what someone at the workshop called, “the glue”—like what holds things together, or as Ursula Le Guin would maybe say, what goes in the bag that is the story of the world. 

If no one is going to tell me to do it, if there isn’t the threat of punishment or poverty, I wonder what I would do? 

It is a luxury (or maybe actually a necessity) to have time to think, to rest, and to see what I do when I don’t really have to do much at all.